What is an Agitated Filter Dryer?
An Agitated Nutsche Filter Dryer (ANFD) which is also known as agitate filter (ANF Filter) is a multipurpose filtration and drying system used widely in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries for efficient separation and drying of solids and liquids. A closed, pressure-tight design of an agitated filter ensures precise control over parameters like temperature, pressure, pH, and agitation. This agitated nutsche filter design can filter pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), hazardous chemicals, and other sensitive materials in industries.
The agitated nutsche filter dryer diagram typically includes a cylindrical vessel with a flat bottom and top-dished head, along with essential nozzles, a manhole, and a side discharge outlet for easy handling. The ANFD design incorporates an agitator mechanism with "S"-curved blades, specifically crafted to manage high torque during operations like solid discharge and re-slurring. These blades, mounted on a main shaft that can rotate and move vertically, perform critical tasks, including filling, filtering, washing, reslurrying, drying, and discharging. The closed ANFD design helps to prevent cross-contamination, maintaining product purity and providing an odor-free, contamination-free workspace.
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